Ebook BookAmish Romance Those Who Wait on the Lord (Annie Paul Series--Book 2)

[Download PDF.PfFK] Amish Romance Those Who Wait on the Lord (Annie Paul Series--Book 2)

[Download PDF.PfFK] Amish Romance Those Who Wait on the Lord (Annie Paul Series--Book 2)

[Download PDF.PfFK] Amish Romance Those Who Wait on the Lord (Annie  Paul Series--Book 2)

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[Download PDF.PfFK] Amish Romance Those Who Wait on the Lord (Annie  Paul Series--Book 2)

*****ALWAYS FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED!!***** AN ABIGAIL FISHER AMISH ROMANCE SHORT STORY Part of the LANCASTER COUNTY COURTSHIP ROMANCE Series The ANNIE PAUL Series--Book Two "Annie Glick entered the unfinished schoolhouse, warmed by the morning light streaming through the east window. The cheery glow welcomed her and she felt immediately at home....""She loved being surrounded by the children. It was a place of possibilities, a place of vitality and growth. Not like home where everything reminded her of her lack. Not like the market where she used to work, where she and Paul would meet for lunches and dream of a future together. At least those were her dreams. She thought Paul felt the same. And maybe he did, until he didn't. Until he found Ruth in her state of distress.Ruth and her children, four little mouths to feed. Four little precious ones, much like sweet Noah, who needed the security of two parents. No matter how she thought of it, she could not deny that Paul's proposal to marry Ruth was a noble and good thing to do. And yet, every time she thought of the woman, she felt a sharp barb in her heart that could only be explained by the sin of jealousy. Every night she confessed her sin before the Lord. Each day she awoke with six words on her lips: His mercies are new every morning. That's where she was right now. Tabernacled in his mercy in this room filled with children. The Lord had seen fit to open a door for her to serve her community. It was her hope that over time she could think of the man, Paul Stoltzfus, without the tender echo that still loosed butterflies in the wild field of her heart. "My Paul," it rang. "MY Paul..." What could possibly come between their love for one another Could he really marry another when he truly loved her What would become of her hopes and dreams with him How could Gott let this happen Find out now in Book Two of the ANNIE PAUL Series: "Those Who Wait on The Lord" Download for FREE on Kindle Unlimited. Harrington Investments We can invest for a better world. Harrington Investments has been helping clients like you navigate the shifting financial markets for more than thirty years. A lot has changed in that time but our principles have not.
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